Death Valley Sizzles with New Heat Record, More Extreme Temperatures Expected

Death Valley, renowned as one of the hottest locations on the planet, experienced a scorching day on Friday, setting a new heat record. The mercury climbed to a staggering 127 degrees Fahrenheit, surpassing the previous high by a remarkable 5 degrees. The old record of 122 degrees Fahrenheit was last tied in 2013.

The extreme heat is far from over, with even higher temperatures forecasted for the coming days. Sunday is expected to bring a scorching 129 degrees Fahrenheit at Furnace Creek in Death Valley National Park, followed by temperatures hovering around 130 degrees through Wednesday.

While the hottest temperature ever officially recorded on Earth stands at 134 degrees Fahrenheit, measured in Death Valley in July 1913, some experts dispute this measurement. They argue that the true record was 130 degrees Fahrenheit, recorded in July 2021.

The heatwave isn’t limited to Death Valley. Phoenix also experienced a record-breaking high for the date, reaching 118 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures of 115 degrees Fahrenheit or higher are predicted to continue through Wednesday. In Needles, where the National Weather Service has records dating back to 1888, the high of 122 degrees Fahrenheit surpassed the old mark of 121 degrees Fahrenheit set in 2007. Palm Springs also saw scorching temperatures, hitting 124 degrees Fahrenheit.

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