Debunking Common Driving Myths: Are You Making These Mistakes?

Even though many UK drivers consider themselves adept on the road, numerous common driving myths are causing them to fall prey to potential dangers. According to experts at Bristol Street Motors, there has been a significant surge in online searches about two specific driving misconceptions over the past three months. Queries such as ‘is driving barefoot illegal’ and ‘can you use water instead of coolant’ have witnessed an increase of 83% and 23% respectively. However, these driving myths are not just simple misunderstandings; they can pose a considerable risk to your safety and the safety of others, not to mention the possibility of fines and points accumulating on your driving license. To help motorists differentiate between fact and fiction, automotive experts at Bristol Street Motors have analyzed search data to debunk five of the most prevalent driving myths.

Is it illegal to drive barefoot?

Every month, more than 5,000 Brits search to find out if driving barefoot is against the law. The good news for those who prefer to drive without shoes is that it isn’t illegal. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe. It’s much safer to wear sensible footwear while driving. Opt for flat, thin-soled shoes that allow you to feel the pedals more easily. Ensure your shoes cannot easily slip off your feet to avoid any distractions while driving. It’s also advisable to avoid wearing high heels, flip-flops, or heavy boots when driving, as they can make controlling your car more challenging.

Can you use water instead of coolant?

When your vehicle is overheating, the temptation might be to use water instead of the appropriate coolant. However, water lacks anti-corrosive properties, which can result in rust forming in your engine, leading to leaks and damage. In an emergency situation where water is the only available option, opt for distilled water. Unlike tap water, which contains minerals that can harm your engine, distilled water is free from impurities. Once the emergency has passed, ensure you flush out all the water and refill it with coolant. If you have concerns about the state of your car after using water as a coolant, then it would be wise to get a summer check. To avoid getting caught out or having to resort to distilled water, keep some engine coolant in the boot of your car for emergencies.

Is it legal to eat and drive?

From a legal standpoint, there’s nothing preventing you from eating while driving. However, if your snacking becomes a distraction, it could be deemed careless driving. If you are found to be driving carelessly, you could face a hefty £100 on-the-spot fine and three points on your license. If you feel the need to snack, steer clear of messy foods that could divert your attention from the road. And if messy foods are all you have available, then it might be best to wait until you’re parked before indulging.

Does coasting save fuel?

The common belief that coasting saves fuel in modern cars is now considered a myth. In fact, coasting could potentially lead to higher fuel consumption as it still requires a small amount of fuel to power the engine. For those concerned about fuel costs, the most effective way to conserve fuel is by allowing the car to slow down naturally while in gear without pressing the accelerator. Not only does coasting fail to save money, but it also increases the risk of accidents. If your car is in neutral or if the clutch is disengaged when going downhill, your car will accelerate more rapidly, making steering, particularly around corners, much more difficult. This lack of control can lead to accidents, especially when needing to shift into gear to respond to a hazard.

Is it legal to drive with a cracked windscreen?

While there isn’t a specific law regarding cracked windscreens, it’s considered a motoring offence if the crack obstructs your view. Offenders could face a £100 fine and receive three points on their driver’s license. Under MOT rules, your windscreen should not have damage exceeding 40mm anywhere. Even a 10mm crack directly in the driver’s line of sight can result in an MOT failure. If you’re involved in an accident while driving with a cracked windscreen, you might face more severe driving charges. The accident could be deemed your fault due to impaired visibility.

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