Delhi Gets Respite from Heatwave as Light Rainfall Brings Relief

In the midst of an unrelenting heatwave that has gripped the national capital of Delhi, the city experienced a welcome reprieve on Saturday as light rainfall swept through the parched metropolis, bringing a temporary respite from the sweltering conditions that have plagued it in recent days.

According to meteorological reports, the rainfall provided a much-needed break from the scorching heat that has been relentlessly battering the city. The precipitation brought a sense of relief to the city’s inhabitants, who have been enduring the oppressive temperatures.

While the rainfall offered a temporary respite, it remains to be seen whether it will be enough to break the unrelenting heatwave that has gripped Delhi. Residents can only hope that the rainfall will continue and bring much-needed relief from the sweltering conditions that have made life in the city increasingly uncomfortable.

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