Delhi HC Implements SOP for University Events to Enhance Student Safety

The Delhi High Court has emphasized the importance of student safety and security by enacting a comprehensive Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for universities and colleges to adhere to while organizing events and festivals. This measure aims to provide a secure environment for all students, especially women students, and prevent incidents of harassment, injuries, or trauma.

The SOP outlines various protocols and guidelines that must be followed. For instance, it mandates that students can only enter campuses with valid student identity cards or other recognized identification documents. Additionally, it restricts the entry of relatives into event venues and assigns women private security guards to designated areas frequented by female students, including washrooms and changing rooms.

To ensure the privacy of female students, the SOP specifies that only women workers or staff are permitted to access and clean girls’ common rooms, toilet areas, and changing rooms. Furthermore, windows and ventilation spaces in girls’ toilet areas must be sealed or covered with opaque glass to maintain adequate privacy.

The SOP also emphasizes the role of local police in maintaining order and promptly responding to untoward incidents. It requires them to keep adequate reserve forces nearby and initiate strict legal action under relevant provisions of the law in case of any incident, especially those involving female students.

Colleges and universities in Delhi must adhere to the SOP along with any additional directives or advisories they issue, ensuring that their guidelines do not conflict with the overarching SOP. The court has granted the parties involved the authority to revise the SOP in the future with mutual consent to adapt to evolving circumstances and enhance safety measures further.

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