Delta Air Lines Sued for Severe Burns From Spilled Coffee on Flight

A passenger on a Delta Air Lines flight has filed a lawsuit against the airline, alleging negligence and a violation of the Montreal Convention following a serious incident involving scalding hot coffee. The lawsuit, filed by aviation attorney Mark Lindquist, details a harrowing experience that occurred on December 15, 2023, during a flight from Paris to Seattle.

The victim, a flight attendant for another airline, was seated on the Delta flight when a flight attendant placed an extremely hot cup of coffee on a slanted tray. The tray, unfortunately, shifted, causing the coffee to spill onto the passenger’s lap.

Immediately after the incident, the victim alerted Delta’s crew to the severity of her burns. However, the crew reportedly dismissed her concerns, suggesting she simply “go change.” Despite her pleas for assistance and showing the severity of her injuries, the victim received only a pain reliever and a bandage. Notably, Delta’s crew declined to make an in-flight announcement for medical help or contact a remote medical provider for guidance, a standard procedure in such situations.

Upon landing at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SeaTac), paramedics were shocked by the extent of the passenger’s burns, describing them as the worst they had seen from a coffee spill. The victim sustained blistering burns on her hip, side, and abdomen, leaving her unable to perform basic daily tasks for months, including showering, driving, and wearing regular clothes. Pain management required opiates, further impacting her ability to function.

The lawsuit asserts that Delta violated the Montreal Convention by serving coffee at a temperature exceeding industry standards and failing to provide timely and adequate medical care, which exacerbated the victim’s injuries. Although the victim has returned to work as a flight attendant, the burns have left her with permanent scars.

This lawsuit highlights the critical importance of airline safety protocols and the potential consequences of negligence. It remains to be seen how Delta will respond to the allegations and what the outcome of the legal proceedings will be.

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