Democrat Defends Biden’s Debate Performance, Citing ‘Overpreparedness’ Amid Growing Concerns

Amidst mounting concerns about President Biden’s ability to serve another term and win re-election, one Democrat in Congress has stepped forward to defend his performance at the recent debate. Rep. Troy Carter, D-La., suggested that Biden may have been “overprepared” for the event, attributing his raspy voice and occasional lapses in thought to a combination of factors, including a cold, international travel, and distractions from the former president, who was allegedly making noises from the sidelines.

Carter dismissed the debate performance, stating that the focus should be on Biden’s subsequent appearances, where he appeared energized and coherent. “You will see the Joe Biden that you saw the next day and that you have seen every single day since that debate. An energized, coherent, well-planned, and understanding the policies that he has worked so hard to make reality,” Carter said.

He emphasized that Biden himself acknowledged the “bad performance” and attributed it to a “bad day.” Carter reiterated his support for the president’s re-election bid, stating that Biden is “ready” and that Democrats stand with him.

This defense comes at a time when some Democrats are voicing their concerns about Biden’s strength as a candidate. Notably, one Democratic senator has publicly expressed doubts about Biden’s ability to win re-election, suggesting a potential “red wave” in November. These concerns have intensified after Biden spent a week preparing for the debate at Camp David, surrounded by a team of over a dozen aides. Despite these concerns, Biden has maintained his intention to run for re-election.

While Carter’s office has not responded to requests for comment, the debate performance and the subsequent concerns have raised questions about Biden’s stamina and his ability to navigate the demanding campaign trail.

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