Democratic Senate Candidate Under Fire After Reporter Injured by Bullet Fragment at Shooting Range

Democratic Senate candidate Lucas Kunce is under fire after a reporter was injured by a bullet fragment during a shooting event. The incident occurred on Tuesday at a gun range where Kunce was participating in a campaign event with fellow Democrat Adam Kinzinger.

According to reports, Kunce was firing an AR-15 at a steel target when a fragment from the bullet struck KSHB-TV reporter Ryan Gamboa in the arm. Kunce, a Marine Corps veteran, quickly provided first aid, and Gamboa was able to continue reporting.

The incident sparked immediate backlash on social media, with conservatives criticizing Kunce for his handling of the situation and his stance on gun control. Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, who is facing Kunce in the upcoming election, was quick to weigh in on the incident, writing on X (formerly Twitter), “I know the Kunce campaign needed a shot in the arm, but this is taking it a little far…”

Hawley’s communications director, Abigail Jackson, also chimed in, stating, “Democrats Lucas Kunce & Adam Kinzinger apparently accidentally shot a reporter at an event today. Are these guys trying to make Tim Walz look competent with a gun?”

Other conservative figures, including Steve Guest and Sean Davis, joined in the criticism, with Davis stating, “Absolutely mind-blowing insanity from a candidate for a political party that wants to take away your guns because it claims you can’t safely own them.”

In response to the criticism, Kunce told Fox News Digital, “I was grateful for the opportunity to talk to union workers about our freedoms at the range. Safety is important to us which is why the range was set up and run by a certified NRA training counselor. But any time you are handling weapons, you need to be prepared. We acted quickly and I’m glad the reporter was okay and able to keep reporting.”

Kunce also responded to a post from Hawley that said, “When liberals play with guns, people get hurt,” with a clip of Hawley running through the Capitol on January 6th. “The last time Josh Hawley saw a gun,” Kunce wrote.

The incident has raised questions about safety protocols at shooting ranges and the potential for accidental injuries during such events. It also highlights the ongoing debate over gun control in the United States, with conservatives criticizing Democrats for what they perceive as a lack of seriousness about gun safety, while Democrats argue that stricter regulations are necessary to prevent gun violence.

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