Democrats’ Rhetoric Remains Unchanged After Assassination Attempt on Trump

In the aftermath of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, we were promised a kinder, gentler version of the left. However, less than a week later, that promise has already crumbled. Joe Biden, in a speech to the NAACP, accused Trump and Republicans of wanting to “deny you freedom, the freedom to vote,” echoing the rhetoric of 2016 when he claimed Mitt Romney, arguably the most centrist politician in America, wanted to put Black people back in chains. This blatant hypocrisy reveals the left’s willingness to demonize anyone with an opposing viewpoint, labeling even the most moderate figures as racist.

Meanwhile, the president continues to peddle the falsehood that Trump called Nazis “very fine people,” a statement that was clearly referring to the debate over Confederate statues, not the white supremacists carrying tiki torches. Vice President Kamala Harris furthered this campaign of disinformation, accusing Trump’s vice presidential pick, JD Vance, of being “loyal only to Trump, not to our country,” a thinly veiled accusation of treason. The media, acting as a willing accomplice, amplifies these lies, refusing to hold Biden and Harris accountable for their baseless accusations.

ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, only one day after the assassination attempt, blamed Trump for “violent rhetoric,” while MSNBC’s Joy Reid echoed the sentiment, even suggesting that Trump couldn’t “avoid the consequences” of his own words. This blatant attempt to blame the victim is not only morally reprehensible but also dangerous, as it contributes to a climate of political violence. The Lincoln Project, a group of former Republicans obsessed with demonizing Trump, continues to draw comparisons between him and Hitler, completely ignoring the real-world consequences of their rhetoric. The killing of Corey Comperatore at Trump’s Pennsylvania rally seems to hold no meaning for them.

The Democrats’ refusal to acknowledge their role in creating a toxic political climate is alarming. Their relentless attacks on Trump and his supporters are not motivated by a genuine desire for unity, but by a desperate attempt to cling to power. They are willing to sacrifice the well-being of the nation for their own political ambitions. The voters must hold them accountable for their cynical behavior and reject their divisive tactics. Only then can we hope to restore sanity and civility to our political discourse.

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