Demystifying Deportations: Addressing the Falsehoods Proliferated by the Left

In recent years, there has been a concerted effort by the far left and mainstream media to vilify deportations as a dirty word. This effort intensified during the Trump administration, with the far left labeling efforts to enforce immigration laws passed by Congress as inhumane and racist. Former candidate Joe Biden pledged zero deportations during his first 100 days in office, including those of criminal aliens convicted of heinous offenses. This progressive demonization continues today, even as the Biden administration removes record-low numbers of illegal aliens.

An Axios poll has revealed that more than half of Americans support mass deportations, including 42% of Democrats. Additionally, 68% of Americans believe illegal immigration causes major problems in their communities.

After three years of the worst humanitarian and security crisis at the southern border in our nation’s history, the American people have had enough. Securing the border is no longer sufficient; action must be taken against the tens of millions of illegal aliens in our country, including the record number the Biden administration has allowed into American communities across the country during his term.

One effective solution to address this issue is to significantly increase removal proceedings, commonly referred to as deportations. It is crucial to demystify deportations and challenge the prevailing liberal narrative that removing aliens who have violated our immigration laws is controversial. In reality, removals are civil and not criminal matters.

The U.S. Supreme Court has consistently held that deportation is not a punishment but a mechanism for returning aliens to their home countries after determining that they lack a lawful basis to remain in the U.S. The removal process is time-consuming and includes numerous layers of appellate opportunities, including for illegal border crossers who have made dubious asylum claims to obstruct the expedited removal process.

Even after immigration judges order aliens removed, they have the option to appeal the decision to the Board of Immigration Appeals within the Department of Justice. If the removal order is upheld, our immigration laws allow many aliens who have exhausted these administrative remedies to further appeal in the federal courts, including the possibility of going all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Claims that this process is unfair are unfounded. While reforms could improve the removal proceedings process, illegal aliens are given their day in court to present their case for humanitarian relief or other immigration status that would allow them to remain in the country lawfully.

Despite these safeguards, the far left continues to oppose deportations based on their fundamental opposition to immigration enforcement. This mindset is absurd and out of touch with the mainstream thinking of the American people.

Removing or deporting aliens is a fundamental aspect of properly administering immigration law. Approximately 1.5 million illegal aliens currently remain in the United States with a final order of removal after exhausting all of their attempts in court. This defiance, after spending years in various courts, makes a mockery of our immigration system.

An America First administration must protect the homeland and national sovereignty by securing the border and imposing legal consequences on aliens who violate our immigration laws. Every country in the world deports people as part of its responsibility to protect national security. The Biden administration is failing in this responsibility, but the next America First administration will deliver results.

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