Devastating Rainstorms Pummel Southern China

Torrential rainstorms have swept across southern China over the weekend, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

In the province of Guangdong, at least four people have lost their lives due to the relentless downpours. Three fatalities were reported in Zhaoqing city, while a rescuer tragically died in Shaoguan city. As of Monday, 10 individuals remain missing.

The cities of Zhaoqing and Shaoguan have borne the brunt of the torrential rains that commenced late last week. Footage captured by state broadcaster CCTV showcased heroic rescuers navigating rubber boats to evacuate residents from inundated shopping districts and residential areas.

According to the official Xinhua news agency, the incessant rains have compelled the evacuation of approximately 110,000 individuals across Guangdong province. Additionally, 25,800 people have sought refuge in emergency shelters.

Guangzhou, the bustling capital of Guangdong, has experienced an extraordinary amount of rainfall. By 10 a.m. on Monday, the city had recorded a staggering 60.9 centimeters (24 inches) of precipitation for April alone. This marks the highest monthly rainfall total since record-keeping began in 1959.

The China Central Meteorological Observatory has extended a rainstorm warning until Tuesday evening. Heavy rainfall is anticipated to continue across vast regions of southern China, encompassing parts of Guangxi, Guangdong, and Fujian provinces.

Flooding has also wreaked havoc in neighboring Jiangxi province. Local authorities report that 459 people have been evacuated from affected areas. Tragically, the unrelenting downpours have impacted approximately 1,500 hectares of crops, resulting in financial losses exceeding 41 million yuan ($5.7 million).

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