Devmali: India’s Best Tourist Village Honors Its Deity Through Unique Traditions

Devmali, a picturesque village nestled in the Beawar district of Rajasthan, has been bestowed with the prestigious title of India’s Best Tourist Village. This recognition, which will be formally presented at a special ceremony in Delhi on November 27th, highlights the village’s unique blend of spirituality, cultural heritage, and tourist appeal.

At the heart of Devmali lies a profound connection to Lord Devanarayan. Approximately 3000 bighas of land are dedicated to the deity, and the villagers believe the land belongs solely to him, abstaining from formal land ownership documents. This unwavering devotion to their faith forms the bedrock of Devmali’s unique way of life.

The village’s selection as India’s Best Tourism Village speaks volumes about its popularity among visitors and its commitment to preserving local traditions. Devmali’s dedication to its cultural heritage, rooted in religious beliefs, sets it apart from other villages.

One of the most striking aspects of Devmali is the absence of permanent houses. As a testament to their devotion to Lord Devanarayan, the villagers live in modest mud houses with thatched roofs. They adhere to strict traditions, including a complete ban on non-vegetarian food, alcohol, kerosene, and neem wood for fuel.

Furthermore, the village boasts an unparalleled sense of security, evident in the absence of locks on homes. This trust and security have been a defining characteristic of Devmali for generations, with no reported cases of theft or robbery for decades.

A significant draw for tourists is the hilltop temple dedicated to Lord Devanarayan. This sacred site draws hundreds of thousands of visitors annually. According to legend, when Lord Devanarayan sought refuge in the village, the locals built him a humble dwelling and pledged never to construct permanent houses for themselves. This tradition continues today, with the only permanent structures in Devmali being government buildings and the revered temple, which serves as a spiritual hub and a popular attraction for tourists.

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