Direct Cash Transfers Help Maui Families Rebuild After Wildfires

Families in Maui Benefit from Direct Cash Transfers After Wildfires

Lana Vierra, a grandmother of four and mother of five, lost her home to wildfires that swept through her community last summer. She and her family received direct cash payments from the People’s Fund of Maui, launched by Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne Johnson. These payments helped them stay current on their mortgage, despite the destruction of their home.

Shannon Doocy, a professor at Johns Hopkins University, highlights the effectiveness of direct cash transfers in disaster relief. Research shows that recipients use the funds to cover necessities like housing and food.

Over 20,000 individuals and companies contributed to the fund, which raised almost $60 million. The Entertainment Industry Foundation managed the distribution of the funds.

While direct cash transfers provide immediate relief, ongoing challenges include mental health issues and a lack of affordable housing. The Maui Recovery Effort at the Hawai‘i Community Foundation is working to address these challenges by providing services, strengthening social support systems, and rebuilding with future disasters in mind.

Kaimana Brummel of Seabury Hall suggests expanding eligibility for direct cash transfers to all displaced adults, regardless of household size. Barry Probst, a therapist whose family was impacted by the wildfires, emphasizes the ongoing impact of the disaster on impacted communities.

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