In a heart-wrenching incident, a six-year-old disabled boy lost his life after his mother allegedly hurled him into crocodile-infested waters in Dandeli, Karnataka. The tragic event unfolded following a heated argument between the boy’s parents, Savitri and Ravi Kumar, over his speech disability. The couple’s dispute escalated on Saturday night, centered around their elder son’s condition. According to the police, Ravi Kumar would frequently question Savitri about her son’s disability, even going so far as to suggest she dispose of him. On the fateful night, tensions reached a peak, and Savitri allegedly carried out the unimaginable act, throwing her son into a waste canal that leads directly to the Kali River. As darkness enveloped the area, the search for the boy commenced, involving divers, locals, and police officers. However, it was not until Sunday morning that his body was found, bearing severe injuries and bite marks, indicting a crocodile attack. Police investigations led to the arrest of both Savitri and Ravi Kumar, as they face charges under sections 109 (Abetment of an Offence) and 302 (Murder) of the Indian Penal Code.