Disney Dreamlight Valley, which artfully blends the captivating gameplay of life-simulators such as Animal Crossing with the enchanting world of Disney, has emerged as a resounding success. Initially introduced in early access, the game has witnessed the steady addition of content, characters, quests, and an abundance of items. Even after its official release, Gameloft is unwavering in its commitment to the game’s dedicated player base.
In addition to being accessible across all platforms throughout its early access period, Disney Dreamlight Valley received a substantial multiplayer update in December 2023. While embarking on quests and cultivating the Valley alongside friends offers an unparalleled gaming experience, one may question the game’s cross-platform compatibility.
Does Disney Dreamlight Valley support cross-platform play? The response to this inquiry is somewhat nuanced. Fortunately, the game allows for cross-saves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, PC, Mac, and Switch. Players have the freedom to commence their journey on any platform and seamlessly transfer their progress to another platform at a later stage.
However, crossplay encounters a peculiar limitation. Disney Dreamlight Valley facilitates crossplay between all platforms except for PlayStation players. As a result, PlayStation players are confined to interacting solely with other PlayStation users, while players on all other platforms can connect regardless of their platform of choice.
Gameloft has yet to provide any information regarding the potential removal of this restriction in the future. Nevertheless, there is hope that PlayStation players will soon be able to fully participate in the cross-platform multiplayer experience. Fortunately, the game’s cross-save functionality eliminates the need to restart the game if players initially begin playing on PlayStation and subsequently wish to take advantage of crossplay on other platforms.
Ultimately, Disney Dreamlight Valley’s cross-platform support is a welcome addition that enhances the game’s multiplayer capabilities. While the exclusion of PlayStation players from crossplay may be disappointing, the game’s cross-save feature alleviates some of the inconvenience. Players can rest assured that their progress will remain intact, regardless of their chosen platform.