Dispute over Krishna Janmbhoomi and Shahi Eidgah Heats Up in Mathura

The Hindu side in the Krishna Janmbhoomi-Shahi Eidgah suit in Mathura on Monday argued that the disputed property was a temple that was forcibly taken over and converted into a mosque. The Muslim side claims that the property is a Waqf property and that the civil court has no jurisdiction to hear the matter. The High Court has set April 30 as the next date of hearing.

The Hindu side contends that the property in question was a temple and that the character of the land cannot be changed simply by offering prayers on it. They also argue that the Waqf Act is not applicable to this property as it is not a valid Waqf property.

The Muslim side, on the other hand, maintains that the Shahi Eidgah Masjid is a Waqf property and that the civil court has no jurisdiction to hear the matter. They argue that only the Wakf Tribunal has the authority to hear disputes related to Waqf properties.

The High Court will hear arguments from both sides on April 30 to determine whether the civil court has jurisdiction to hear this matter.

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