Disrespectful Tourist Outrages Public by Dipping Bare Feet in Beijing’s Historical Old Summer Palace Lake

The employee’s pleas were ignored by the girl, who continued to dip her feet in the lake and even threatened to jump into the water if she was not allowed to continue. Some minutes later, the girl withdrew her feet from the water and returned to her seat. An official from Yuanmingyuan Park said that because they are not a law enforcement authority, they can only advise visitors not to engage in unacceptable, anti-social behavior but cannot punish them. Inappropriate behavior by tourists in and from China has become frequent in recent years. In early April, six people were banned for life from a giant panda base in southwestern Sichuan province after spitting and throwing steamed buns and cigarette butts at the animals. In March, a visitor from China touring the British Museum in London was called “disgusting” by mainland internet users after swapping a souvenir flask for a used water bottle.

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