DIY Remedy Restores Woman’s Thinning Tresses

In a Reddit post, the 27-year-old woman described her struggle with hair loss, which had left her with receding hairlines and a fraction of her former hair volume. She revealed that she had tried a DIY remedy using rosemary oil mixed with castor oil after seeing TikTok users rave about its effectiveness for hair growth.

The woman applied a few drops of rosemary oil mixed with castor oil to her hairline using a mascara wand and left the mixture on for at least half a day before washing it out. She began using the treatment consistently in February and noticed significant results within a short period of time.

The woman reported that she now loses hardly any hair in the shower, her hairline has regrown, and her hair overall is much thicker. Commenters on the Reddit post praised the woman for sharing her results and shared their own experiences using rosemary oil for hair growth.

A duo of natural rosemary oil and Jamaican black castor oil is available from Nature Spell for $20, while a pack of disposable mascara wands can be purchased from Walmart for $2.11.

While there are no scientific studies to support the use of castor oil for hair growth, science and personal testimonials both strongly suggest that rosemary essential oil can be beneficial for promoting hair growth.

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