The documentary, directed by award-winning filmmaker Baby Ruth Villarama, is in the early stages of development with Voyage Studios. Janine Gutierrez, Corrales’ granddaughter, is producing the film alongside Raymond Ang and Chuck Gutierrez. Villarama, known for her acclaimed 2016 documentary “Sunday Beauty Queen,” expressed her excitement about telling Corrales’ story, calling it “a story of resilience, reinvention, and the enduring power of Filipino music.” Gutierrez, driven by a deep sense of responsibility to preserve her grandmother’s legacy, believes the film will not only inspire aspiring artists but also anyone who dares to dream big. The documentary aims to provide an intimate view into Corrales’ impressive career and personal life, showcasing her unwavering determination and the significant impact she has had on the Filipino music industry. By shedding light on Corrales’ remarkable journey, the film aspires to inspire future generations and ensure that her legacy continues to resonate for years to come.