Dolce & Gabbana’s Dog Perfume Sparks Controversy: Is It Safe or Just a Trend?

Dolce & Gabbana has entered the pet market with a new alcohol-free perfume for dogs called ‘Fefé,’ a tribute to Domenico Dolce’s poodle. The perfume, priced at €99 for 100 millilitres, boasts certification for animal use, adhering to a Safe Pet Cosmetics protocol designed to ensure safety standards comparable to human cosmetics.

Despite these claims, not all veterinarians and pet owners are convinced about the safety or appropriateness of using perfumes on dogs. While the company highlights positive reviews from dog owners and veterinarians, concerns have been raised regarding the potential disruption of a dog’s natural scent.

Veterinarian Federico Coccía argues that dogs rely heavily on their sense of smell for identification and communication, and altering their natural scent could interfere with this essential process. He emphasizes that dogs recognize themselves and others through smell, and covering up their natural scent could obscure important information about their health. Coccia cites the example of sebaceous dermatitis, where the smell of the skin could be a crucial diagnostic tool for veterinarians.

While groomers and some pet owners express enthusiasm for using fragrances on their dogs, citing reasons like pleasantness and enhanced aesthetics, others believe it to be an excessive form of humanization. They argue that using perfumes on pets, especially those with strong scents, could be detrimental to their well-being and natural instincts.

The launch of ‘Fefé’ has sparked a broader conversation about the ethics of humanizing pets and the potential consequences of altering their natural behaviors and senses. While the debate surrounding dog perfume continues, it highlights the need for careful consideration of the potential impact on animals before introducing new products into their lives.

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