Dreaming Whilst Black Season 1, a British comedy show that premiered on BBC Three in July 2023, is now available for streaming on Paramount Plus with Showtime. The show follows the struggles and triumphs of Kwabena, an aspiring Jamaican filmmaker living in London. Kwabena dreams of pursuing his passion for filmmaking, but he struggles to balance his ambitions with the reality of working multiple jobs to make ends meet. The show explores Kwabena’s experiences with racism, self-doubt, and the challenges of making it in the film industry. The cast of Dreaming Whilst Black Season 1 includes Adjani Salmon as Kwabena, Dani Moseley as Leah, Rachel Adedeji as Carla, Babriye Bukilwa as Aisha, Demmy Ladipo as Max, and Isy Suttie as Rachel. The show was created by Natasha Jatania, Adjani Salmon, and Max Evans. To watch Dreaming Whilst Black Season 1 on Paramount Plus with Showtime, you can follow these steps: 1. Create a Paramount Plus account. 2. Subscribe to the Paramount Plus with Showtime plan. 3. Download the Paramount Plus app on your device. 4. Sign in to your Paramount Plus account and start watching Dreaming Whilst Black Season 1. Paramount Plus with Showtime offers a wide variety of exclusive and original TV series, films, and live sports, including CBS, Paramount Pictures, Comedy Central, Nickelodeon, and MTV content. With the Paramount Plus with Showtime plan, you can stream all of the episodes of Dreaming Whilst Black Season 1 ad-free, along with other SHOWTIME originals, movies, and sports.