Ducks Unlimited Canada Launches New Recurring Membership Program for Sustainable Wetland Conservation

Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) is excited to announce the launch of its new recurring membership program, a game-changer in the world of wetland conservation. This innovative approach aims to provide consistent and sustainable funding for vital conservation efforts across the country.

For as little as $5 per month (or $60 per year), individuals can make a significant difference by supporting the conservation of a wetland larger than the average house. The new membership program, launching today, marks a shift from DUC’s traditional membership structure to a recurring donation system. This allows members to contribute smaller, regular amounts, making a bigger impact on conservation over time.

This transition reflects DUC’s commitment to operational efficiency, ensuring every dollar goes further in protecting Canada’s invaluable wetlands. Current members can seamlessly migrate to the new program by April 1, 2025.

Here’s what makes the recurring membership program unique:


Automatic Donations:

Members can set up automatic monthly or annual donations, ensuring continuous support for DUC’s vital conservation work without needing to manually renew each year. This convenience allows members to remain engaged and make a long-term impact effortlessly.

Increased Impact:

DUC’s dedication to wetland conservation supports wildlife, clean water, climate resilience, and recreational opportunities for communities across Canada. The steady stream of income generated by recurring donations enables DUC to plan and execute its conservation projects with greater confidence and efficiency. Even small monthly contributions accumulate over time, resulting in significant, lasting impacts on Canada’s wetland ecosystems.

Symbolic Giving:

The new program offers supporters the opportunity to visualize their impact:

Minimum Membership Ask:

$5/month or $60/year – Your donation can help steward an area of wildlife habitat larger than the average house.

Enhanced Membership Ask:

$25/month or $300/year – For $25 or more per month (or $300 per year), your membership allows you to symbolically adopt a wetland! Restore a lost or degraded area into a healthy wetland habitat supporting biodiversity, clean water, and more.

Engagement and Updates:

Members will continue to receive DUC’s award-winning Conservator magazine twice per year. They will also receive regular updates on the positive changes their contributions are making, including quarterly reports, invitations to special DUC events, and exclusive content that keeps them connected to the cause.

“Members are at the heart of Ducks Unlimited Canada. Their passion drives our mission, and these enhancements to our membership program will bring new value to this important community of supporters,” said Michael Nadler, CEO of Ducks Unlimited Canada. “We know that the impacts of our work are important to Canadians, and we hope that this new program fosters a greater sense of connectivity with our members while providing us with the ongoing financial resilience to grow our conservation impacts on the landscape.”

Become a member and help to create a brighter future – join Ducks Unlimited Canada today!

About Ducks Unlimited Canada:

Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) is the leading force in wetland conservation. A registered charity, DUC collaborates with government, industry, non-profit organizations, Indigenous Peoples, and landowners to conserve wetlands that are essential for waterfowl, wildlife, and the environment. To discover more about DUC’s innovative environmental solutions and services, visit

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