EAM Jaishankar Lashes Out at Western Media for Political Interference in India

In a recent speech in Hyderabad, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar launched a scathing attack on the Western media, accusing it of playing a partisan political role in India. He asserted that the criticism leveled by the Western media against India stems not from a lack of information but from their misguided belief that they have a political stake in the country.

Jaishankar emphasized that the issue goes beyond media reporting and is deeply rooted in global politics. He argued that the Western world perceives India as a potential challenge to its global dominance and sees interference as a necessary means to maintain its influence. This perception, he believes, drives the Western media’s tendency to intrude in India’s internal affairs.

The minister’s remarks underscore the growing tensions between India and the West, particularly in the realm of media coverage. India has repeatedly criticized Western media outlets for their negative portrayal of the country and for their alleged bias against the Modi government. The Western media, on the other hand, has defended its coverage as fair and objective, arguing that it is simply reporting on the events unfolding in India.

The debate over the role of the Western media in India is likely to continue, reflecting the complex and evolving relationship between the two sides. Jaishankar’s speech serves as a reminder that India is no longer willing to accept unquestioning criticism from the West and is prepared to defend its sovereignty and interests on the global stage.

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