Smiling Tree, an organization dedicated to environmental awareness and action, marked Earth Day with a series of initiatives aimed at inspiring eco-activism, particularly among young people. Led by Aarav and Alina Kwatra, the organization hosted tree-planting events, educational workshops, and outreach campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the planet.
Through their efforts, Smiling Tree planted numerous trees in local communities, contributing to reforestation and urban greening. The organization also engaged in educational activities, teaching children and youth about environmental issues, sustainable practices, and the role they can play in making a difference. Furthermore, Smiling Tree’s outreach programs reached a wider audience, spreading the message of environmental stewardship and encouraging individuals to take action.
The Kwatra siblings, Aarav and Alina, have been passionate advocates for environmental conservation from a young age. Through Smiling Tree, they aim to empower future generations to become active stewards of the planet. Their Earth Day initiatives demonstrate the organization’s commitment to nurturing eco-activism and inspiring positive change for a greener and more sustainable future.