Following the launch of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes on Nintendo Switch on April 23, 2024, players encountered various bugs and performance issues. Notably, a progression glitch prevented the recruitment of a key character. Rabbit & Bear has acknowledged these problems and released a day-one patch (Version 1.0.3) that aims to address some issues. However, the recruitment bug and another progression bug that blocks entry into War Mode remain unresolved. Rabbit & Bear has announced an upcoming Version 1.0.4 patch to fix these bugs, but a release date has yet to be provided. The developer has emphasized that addressing these issues is a maximum priority and that they are researching technical improvements to enhance Switch performance. The day-one patch (Version 1.0.3) reportedly tackles progression issues, graphic display glitches, game balance adjustments, localized text refinement, backer content, game system bugs, optimization issues, and stability concerns.