Elon Musk Claims He Was ‘Tricked’ into Agreeing to Puberty Blockers for His Son, Blames ‘Woke Mind Virus’

Elon Musk, the world’s richest man and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, recently made a startling statement in an interview with psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson. Musk alleged that he was “tricked” into giving consent for his child, Vivian Jenna Wilson, to go on puberty blockers. He claimed that his child was “figuratively killed” by a “woke mind virus.”

Musk expressed regret over agreeing to gender-affirming care procedures for his son, Xavier, who came out as transgender in 2022. Xavier legally changed his name to Vivian Jenna Wilson and severed ties with his father. “I no longer want to be related to my biological father in any way, shape, or form,” Wilson said at the time.

Musk claimed that he was misled about the nature of puberty blockers, stating that he was told they were “actually just sterilization drugs” and that he was pressured into signing consent documents under duress. He said that the situation occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, when there was confusion and he was told Xavier might commit suicide if he didn’t receive the treatment.

“Incredibly evil, and I agree with you that the people that have been promoting this should go to prison,” Musk told Peterson.

Musk’s statement has sparked a firestorm of debate online. A video clip of his interview has gone viral, accumulating over 20 million views on Twitter. Many users expressed sympathy for Musk, with some stating that children should be allowed to mature and make their own decisions regarding gender identity without outside influence. Others, however, criticized Musk’s views on transgender healthcare, arguing that his comments are harmful and perpetuate negative stereotypes.

This is a complex and sensitive issue, and the debate surrounding it is likely to continue. It remains to be seen what impact Musk’s comments will have on the broader conversation about transgender rights and healthcare.

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