Elon Musk Debunks ‘Great Replacement Theory,’ Warns of Population Collapse

Elon Musk has once again voiced his concerns about falling population rates, this time refuting a far-right conspiracy theory known as the ‘Great Replacement Theory.’ In response to a video posted by Dutch far-right activist Eva Vlaardingerbroek, Musk asserted that the theory fails to acknowledge the fundamental issue of low birth rates.

According to Musk, declining birth rates are leading to population collapse in Europe and even more rapidly in Asia. He highlights that immigration is not the cause of this decline, but rather that countries are simply experiencing a decrease in population size due to low birth rates.

Musk further emphasizes the dire consequences of not addressing this issue, stating that countries with low birth rates will eventually become depopulated and fall into ruin, referencing historical examples of abandoned civilizations.

The ‘Great Replacement Theory,’ endorsed by French author Renaud Camus, alleges that white European populations are being demographically and culturally ‘replaced’ by non-white people through mass migration and declining birth rates. Similar conspiracies have emerged in the United States, but mainstream scholars widely dismiss them as rooted in misunderstandings of demographic statistics and unscientific worldviews.

Musk’s concerns about population decline are not new. In February 2024, he expressed alarm about Japan’s record low birth rate, stating that the country would ‘disappear if something doesn’t change.’ Earlier, in July 2022, he declared underpopulation a ‘biggest danger civilization faces’ and pledged to do his part to boost birth rates.

Musk’s comments highlight the importance of addressing declining birth rates, which pose a significant threat to the sustainability and well-being of societies worldwide.

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