As the Full Moon in the sign of Gemini approaches on May 23rd, it brings with it a moment of pause and reflection. This is a time for inward contemplation, bringing things to completion, and reviewing the outcomes of your actions. The influence of Sagittarius adds an adventurous twist to this cosmic event, encouraging us to explore new horizons and ignite our passion for discovery.
Throughout this lunar phase, the tarot offers guidance and insight into the quests that lie ahead. Each zodiac sign has a unique tarot card associated with it, revealing the path towards personal growth and fulfillment. For Aries, the Empress card suggests embarking on a quest for love, passion, and a sense of belonging. Taurus is guided by the Page of Swords, urging them to embrace new opportunities and step out of their comfort zone. Gemini seeks abundance and prosperity, as symbolized by the Two of Coins. Cancer finds support and guidance through the Five of Coins, reminding them to reach out for help when needed.
Leo’s quest is represented by the Fool card, encouraging them to embrace spontaneity and embark on new beginnings. Virgo undergoes a transformation with the Death card, shedding old identities and embracing a sense of renewal. Libra seeks balance and well-being through the Devil card, focusing on healthy habits and self-care. Scorpio’s quest is guided by the Ten of Coins, representing their desire for financial security and long-term goals.
Sagittarius, under the influence of the Ten of Cups, embarks on a quest for love and emotional fulfillment. Capricorn seeks emotional healing and self-discovery with the King of Cups. Aquarius embarks on a journey of enlightenment and knowledge, represented by the Hermit card. Pisces finds joy and laughter through the Three of Cups, reminding them to embrace the pleasures of life.
Embrace the energy of the Full Moon and the guidance of the tarot to embark on your own personal quests. Whether it’s seeking adventure, finding love, or discovering your true potential, this cosmic event holds the power to inspire and guide your journey.