Embrace the Fall Equinox: A Wiccan Priestess’s Guide to Balance and Renewal

The fall equinox, occurring around September 22nd, marks a pivotal moment in the natural world. It’s the day when the sun crosses the celestial equator, bringing equal hours of daylight and darkness. This transition symbolizes a shift from the earthiness of Virgo to the airiness of Libra, ushering in a period of introspection and creative exploration.

Vivianne Crowley, a Wiccan priestess, psychologist, and spiritual teacher, encourages us to make the most of this powerful energy. She invites us to attune ourselves to the changing landscape, celebrating the vibrant colors of autumn leaves, the rustling of migrating birds, and the emergence of mushrooms. Bring these natural wonders indoors to create a beautiful seasonal display, placing a dark candle on the left and a pale one on the right to represent the balance of light and dark.

As the days grow shorter, nourish your body and soul with the bounty of the harvest. Gather friends for a cozy autumnal meal, featuring hearty soups, rich game dishes, or comforting nut roasts. A blackberry and apple crumble, served with a glass of damson wine, will add a touch of sweetness and warmth to your gathering.

This is also a time for release and renewal. Clear out clutter from your home, shedding physical items that no longer serve you. This process can be extended to your psychological wellbeing. Identify negative patterns or relationships that are holding you back and let go of them, just as trees release their dying leaves.

The lengthening hours of darkness provide an ideal opportunity for intellectual and spiritual growth. Immerse yourself in a new language, delve into historical accounts, or learn a new instrument. Feed your mind with knowledge and cultivate your passions.

Crowley also suggests a simple autumnal magic ritual. Take a leaf-covered branch and, using scissors or secateurs, slowly cut off the leaves one by one. As you do, release any negative energies, such as pain, guilt, or anger, allowing them to dissipate into the fire or the bowl of water with salt. Imagine these burdens being transformed and released.

With the burdens lifted, ask yourself: what’s next? Consult a trusted astrologer or tarot reader for guidance on navigating this new phase of growth and expansion. The fall equinox is a time for embracing change, celebrating balance, and nurturing your inner self. Embrace its transformative energy and welcome the possibilities that lie ahead.

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