Embrace the Fall Harvest: Autumn Vegetables for Health & Well-being

As the leaves turn vibrant hues and the air takes on a crispness, autumn brings with it a bounty of nourishing vegetables. Hanako Vern, a plant-based wellness coach and founder of the Plantful Journey wellness academy, shares insights into the unique benefits of these seasonal treasures.

“Autumn vegetables have the power to repair summer damage and boost our energy levels in preparation for the colder months,” explains Hanako. “They offer substantial meals that leave you feeling truly satisfied.”

Sweet Potatoes: A Fall Staple for Immunity and Gut Health

Topping the list of must-have autumn vegetables is the sweet potato. “Sweet potatoes are brimming with heat-stable vitamin C, which is crucial for boosting immunity during the fall when colds and flu are more common. They’re also rich in resistant starch, a type of fiber that aids in gut health. Resistant starch travels undigested to the large intestine, where it supports a healthy microbiome.”

Versatile and Delicious: Sweet Potato Cooking and Storage

Hanako emphasizes the versatility of sweet potatoes, highlighting their suitability for both main courses and desserts. “Their ability to adapt to various flavors, whether Japanese or Western, makes them a delightful addition to fall meals.”

Pumpkins: A Treasure Trove for Women’s Health

The saying “imo-kuri-nankin” (sweet potato, chestnut, and pumpkin) reflects the long-held belief that these are particularly beneficial for women’s health. “Pumpkins are abundant in beta-carotene, which is essential for maintaining healthy skin and mucous membranes. Beta-carotene is fat-soluble, so it’s best absorbed when cooked with a bit of oil in dishes like stir-fries or stews.”

Shiitake Mushrooms: Supporting Sports and Appetite

Shiitake mushrooms, perfect for the season of sports and culinary indulgences, offer unique benefits. “These mushrooms are a good source of vitamin D, vital for bone health and aiding in post-workout recovery. Shiitake mushrooms also contain a unique compound called eritadenine, which has been linked to lowering cholesterol levels. They can help balance out those delicious fall treats. To maximize vitamin D content, consider sun-drying shiitake mushrooms and using them in soups or stews.”

The Power of Seasonal Eating

Hanako emphasizes the importance of aligning with the rhythms of nature. “While we have year-round access to most vegetables, it’s crucial to appreciate and embrace the benefits of seasonal eating. The nutritional value of vegetables is highest when they are in season.” For example, studies show that tomatoes harvested in summer, when they are at their peak, contain 30% more lycopene than those harvested in winter.

Seasonal vegetables are not only more nutritious but also provide a diverse range of nutrients that our bodies need at specific times of the year. “Summer vegetables like cucumbers and tomatoes are packed with water and vitamin C, crucial for staying hydrated and energized during hot weather. Seasonal vegetables naturally offer the body what it needs during that particular season.”

Embrace the Bounty of Fall

This fall, savor the fresh flavors and abundance of seasonal vegetables. These nutritious powerhouses can help repair summer damage, boost energy levels, and support your overall well-being. As Hanako reminds us, “Seasonal vegetables are not only nutrient-rich but also incredibly delicious. So let’s embrace the bounty of autumn and enjoy the best that this season has to offer!”

About Hanako Vern

Hanako Vern is the founder of the Plantful Journey wellness academy. As a plant-based wellness coach, she offers workshops, catering, events, and recipe development focused on plant-based cuisine. She shares her passion for plant-based living through her YouTube and Instagram platforms. In 2023, she became the first Japanese individual to receive a diploma in plant-based cuisine from Le Cordon Bleu in Paris. After spending nearly a decade in Paris, she now resides in Milan. You can connect with her on Instagram at @hanako_plantful_journey.

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