Emmanuel Macron plots coup to replace Ursula von der Leyen as EU chief

Emmanuel Macron is reportedly plotting a coup to replace Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission. The French President is said to be in talks with other EU leaders about possible alternatives to the German politician, with former European Central Bank president Mario Draghi emerging as a potential contender. The move has sent shockwaves through Brussels, where von der Leyen has been in office since 2019.

Macron is said to be unhappy with von der Leyen’s performance as president, believing that she has “over-politicised” her role. Several EU leaders are also said to be dissatisfied with von der Leyen’s performance, particularly her handling of trade negotiations, climate change, and relations with the US.

Last month, Macron publicly admonished von der Leyen in a speech in Brussels, saying that the commission presidency “must not be over-politicised”. Von der Leyen has also recently faced sharp criticism from Members of the Europen Parliament (MEPs), who accused her of cronyism over her attempt to appoint a close political ally to a lucrative European Commission post.

The reports of Macron’s plot to replace von der Leyen come at a time of growing tensions between France and Germany. The two countries have clashed over a number of issues in recent months, including the EU’s response to the war in Ukraine and the future of the eurozone. If Macron is successful in his bid to replace von der Leyen, it could further strain relations between Paris and Berlin.

It is unclear whether Macron will be successful in his bid to replace von der Leyen. Sources in Brussels told Bloomberg that they were unsure whether the French President would see his threat through. They suggested that Macron might be trying to exert pressure on von der Leyen in an attempt to extract concessions from her. Most believed no final decision would be taken on her position until after the European elections on June 9.

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