Empowering People Leaders to Support Menopausal Employees: McLean & Company Unveils New Guide

In recognition of the growing prevalence of menopause, McLean & Company, a global HR research and advisory firm, has released a valuable guide to empower people leaders in supporting menopausal employees. This resource aims to enhance understanding, foster inclusivity, and promote positive work environments for menopausal staff.

The guide acknowledges that menopause is a natural life stage with varied symptoms, including emotional (e.g., anxiety, depression), cognitive (e.g., brain fog, memory lapses), and physical (e.g., hot flushes, chills, insomnia) experiences. These challenges can span multiple phases (pre-menopause, perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause), warranting tailored workplace support.

McLean & Company has identified five key actions for people leaders to create a thriving workplace for menopausal employees:


Enhance understanding:

Educate themselves and colleagues about menopause, its symptoms, and potential impact on work.

Foster inclusivity:

Create an open and supportive environment where menopausal employees feel comfortable discussing their experiences and seeking support.

Seek tailored support:

Explore options for tailored assistance, such as flexible work arrangements, access to healthcare resources, and employee support groups.

Cultivate positive team relationships:

Promote a culture of respect, empathy, and understanding among team members.

Advocate for policy changes:

Review and update workplace policies to ensure inclusivity and support for menopausal employees.

Overcoming obstacles such as lack of awareness, confidence, and policies requires an intentional and inclusive approach. By leading with empathy, advocating for tailored assistance, and promoting an inclusive environment, people leaders can positively impact both employees and the organization. Access the full guide and explore other spotlight resources offered by McLean & Company.

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