Tonight, the European Space Agency (ESA) embarks on a groundbreaking mission with the launch of the Earth Cloud Aerosol and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) satellite. This sophisticated Earth observation platform aims to shed light on the intricate relationship between clouds, aerosols, and their profound impact on climate change.
EarthCARE’s scientific objectives revolve around understanding the role of clouds and aerosols in regulating Earth’s climate. These atmospheric constituents play a pivotal role in the planet’s energy balance, affecting the amount of solar radiation absorbed and emitted back into space. By gathering detailed data on cloud and aerosol properties, EarthCARE will contribute to improved climate models, leading to more accurate forecasts of global temperature evolution.
The satellite is equipped with an impressive suite of four instruments, each tailored to specific measurements: a radar, a lidar, an imager, and a radiometer. Working in concert, these instruments will capture a comprehensive picture of the atmosphere, providing data on cloud profiles, vertical motions, and aerosol profiles. This wealth of information will be complemented by data on the distance from Earth’s surface and big-picture images, creating a holistic view of the Earth’s atmosphere.
The EarthCARE mission is a collaborative endeavor between ESA and the Japanese space agency JAXA, with the U.S. company SpaceX providing the launch vehicle. The launch is scheduled for 6:20 p.m. PT tonight, Tuesday, May 28, with coverage beginning at 5:30 p.m. ET. You can witness the launch preparations and hear from mission scientists about their hopes for this groundbreaking mission by tuning in to ESA’s YouTube page or using the embedded video.