EU Adopts Binding Packaging Waste Targets, Bans Disposable Plastic

New EU Packaging Regulations Aim to Reduce Waste

The European Parliament has adopted the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), a comprehensive set of measures aimed at reducing packaging waste and promoting sustainability. The new law includes binding targets for reuse, collection, and recycling, as well as bans on certain disposable plastic items.

Targets and Mandates

The PPWR sets targets to reduce the annual average of packaging waste generated by each EU citizen by 5% by 2030, 10% by 2035, and 15% by 2040. Nearly all packaging materials must be fully recyclable by 2030, and minimum recycled content targets are established for plastic packaging.

Bans on Disposable Plastic

From 2030, a range of disposable plastic items will be banned, including individual sachets and pots of condiments, miniature bottles of toiletries, and very lightweight plastic bags. Food and drink outlets will be required to allow customers to use reusable containers and offer at least 10% of their sales in reusable cartons or cups.

Industry Reaction

The packaging industry has welcomed the new law, citing its evidence-based approach and potential to promote circularity. However, environmental groups have criticized the inclusion of a ‘mass balance’ approach to calculating recycled content, which they argue could lead to greenwashing.

Environmental Concerns

Environmental campaigners have expressed concern that the mass balance approach could allow companies to make misleading claims about the recycled content of plastic products. They argue that this could undermine efforts to reduce plastic waste and promote genuine sustainability.

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