Evanston Ecology Center Marks Golden Anniversary with Groundbreaking and Earth Day Festivities

The Evanston Ecology Center kicked off its 50th anniversary celebration with a groundbreaking ceremony on Friday, April 19th, and an Earth Day Fest on Saturday, April 20th. The groundbreaking ceremony marked the beginning of a renovation project that will enhance the center’s facilities and make it more environmentally sustainable.

The event featured speeches from city leaders, including Mayor Daniel Biss, who emphasized the importance of the Ecology Center as a space for community gathering, learning, and sustainability efforts. The ceremony also included a special moment when 4-year-old Rosie Shevick used a ceremonial shovel to dig into the groundbreaking soil, representing the legacy of environmental stewardship for future generations.

The Earth Day Fest offered a variety of activities for all ages, including nature crafts, games, and educational exhibits. Attendees had the opportunity to learn about the Ecology Center’s ongoing programs and initiatives, as well as connect with local environmental organizations. The event served as a reminder of the center’s commitment to environmental education and community engagement.

The Evanston Ecology Center has been a hub for environmental education in the community for five decades, offering a wide range of programs and activities that foster an appreciation for the natural world. The renovation project, funded by general obligation bonds and donor support, aligns with the City of Evanston’s Climate Action and Resilience Plan (CARP) and aims to make the facility zero on-site carbon emissions.

The project includes improvements such as a new reception desk and waiting area, renovated classrooms, washrooms, and office spaces. The center will also pursue LEED Silver certification, with a goal of achieving Gold certification, reflecting its commitment to environmental sustainability.

The renovation is expected to be completed in October, while programming continues at other parks and recreation facilities. The Ecology Center’s dedication to environmental education and the community’s enthusiastic support for its mission ensure that it will continue to be a vital resource for generations to come.

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