Everyday Household Items Unmasked as Sneezin…

For those battling allergies, the arrival of spring and summer can be a season of misery. However, the discomfort doesn’t cease indoors, as Dr. Sara Kayat reveals that several common household items can also trigger a fit of sneezes. Air fresheners, flowering houseplants, and children’s teddy bears are among the most likely culprits, while candles, with their strong perfumes, can also irritate and lead to sneezing.

Another common cause of respiratory allergies is dust mites. These tiny creatures thrive in warm, dusty environments, such as soft toys, pillows, and mattresses. Pet hair, often found on carpets, rugs, and bedding, can also be problematic for allergy sufferers. Stuffed toys, in particular, are notorious for harboring dust mites, with an estimated 12 million Brits suffering from allergies caused by these critters.

Hayfever sufferers should also be aware of the impact of pollen. Tree pollen often causes symptoms from late March to mid-May, followed by grass pollen from mid-May until July, and weed pollen from the end of June to September, depending on the region.

Dr. Kayat emphasizes that while home should be a comforting space, it can often be a trigger for allergic rhinitis, a condition characterized by inflammation of the nasal passage caused by an allergic reaction. Symptoms like sneezing, nasal itchiness, and congestion can disrupt daily life and impact breathing.

To combat these allergies, Dr. Kayat recommends preventive measures such as dusting with a damp cloth, washing pets and their bedding regularly, using hypoallergenic bedding, and keeping the home dry and well-ventilated. For those already experiencing symptoms, a natural nasal spray can be an effective alternative to medication and can also benefit hayfever sufferers. Additionally, wearing wraparound sunglasses can help prevent pollen from entering the nose and eyes.

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