Extremism Overruns American Universities

Extremism Overruns American Universities

Higher education in the United States is under attack from extremist groups. Universities, once renowned for their academic excellence and contributions to society, are now becoming breeding grounds for hatred and extremism.

At the University of Pennsylvania, extremists have hijacked the campus, spewing anti-American, anti-Israel, and anti-Jewish rhetoric. Faculty members have openly supported Hamas, a US-designated terrorist organization, while pro-Hamas students have disrupted university events and threatened Jewish students.

Columbia University, once home to numerous Nobel laureates, has transformed into a war zone. Jewish students have been targeted with harassment and intimidation, leading to a recommendation that they leave campus. Rioters have flocked to Columbia from around New York, waving the flags of Hamas and Hezbollah and burning American flags.

Across the country, similar incidents are occurring. At Yale University, a student was stabbed in the eye during a pro-Hamas demonstration. At the University of Michigan, protesters distributed booklets calling for the death of America.

These extremist groups are undermining our nation’s ability to educate the next generation. They are creating an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, making it impossible for Jewish students to feel safe and respected on their own campuses.

Universities have a responsibility to protect their students and uphold their mission of fostering open and inclusive learning environments. They must take immediate action to confront extremism and restore safety and civility to their campuses.

Furthermore, our state and federal governments must step in and provide support to universities in their efforts to combat extremism. The university, a critical pillar of American infrastructure, is under attack. We must fight back against those who seek to undermine our values and destroy our future.

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