Falkland Islands Extends Support Scheme for Bird Flu-Affected Tourism Businesses

The Falkland Islands Government has announced the extension of its support scheme for tourism businesses impacted by the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), commonly known as bird flu. The scheme, originally implemented to mitigate the effects of site closures due to HPAI-related restrictions, will remain in place until April 2, 2025.

The decision was made following approval at the Executive Council (ExCo) on August 27, 2024. The Falkland Islands Government recognizes the vital role tourism plays in the islands’ economy and understands the significant impact bird flu has had on businesses, operators, and employees.

The support scheme, managed by the Falkland Islands Tourist Board (FITB), aims to provide compensation for financial losses incurred due to site closures and other legal restrictions implemented by the FIG in response to the avian flu outbreak. The scheme incorporates several features designed to ensure fair distribution of compensation.

MLA Gavin Short, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, expressed gratitude to all involved in extending the scheme. He acknowledged the substantial impact avian influenza had on businesses during the previous season and stressed the government’s commitment to providing assistance if the outbreak affects the tourism sector again this year.

Short stated, “We are heading into unknown territory regarding whether avian flu will impact us this season, but we must continue to plan for the worst while hoping for the best. The government remains vigilant and prepared to take action as necessary.”

While the situation regarding avian influenza remains uncertain, the Falkland Islands Government is taking proactive steps to ensure the tourism sector remains resilient in the face of potential disruptions.

Guidance on eligibility criteria for the compensation scheme will be made available soon, providing clarity for businesses seeking to apply for assistance.

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