Production designer Howard Cummings shares an intriguing detail from the Fallout TV series. In episode 2, the intense gunfight between the Ghoul and Filly residents holds a hidden reference. The Ghoul’s comically large bullets and unwavering precision mirror the V.A.T.S. combat system from Fallout games, a detail that has sparked speculation among fans.
A fan-edited video of the scene incorporates V.A.T.S. over the action, further fueling the theory that the Ghoul wields Vault-Tec’s advanced technology. However, other fans note that the Ghoul lacks the signature Pip-Boy device seen in the games. Cummings’ reference could simply indicate that the show creators sought to replicate the over-the-top gore effects from the games, or that the Ghoul has honed his skills over two centuries.
The Fallout series is now streaming on Prime Video, offering fans a blend of action, humor, and nods to the beloved video game series.