Fallout London Mod Delayed Due to Bethesda’s Unannounced Fallout 4 Update

Bethesda’s upcoming Fallout 4 update has impacted the development of the Fallout London mod, according to Team Folon’s Dean Carter. Carter stated that the team received no communication from Bethesda regarding the update’s release plans, leading to an unforeseen delay for Fallout London.

Fallout London, an unofficial mod for Fallout 4, had been scheduled for release on April 23, 2024. However, the announcement of Bethesda’s own update for Fallout 4 just two days later has forced Team Folon to adjust their plans. Carter expressed frustration over the lack of communication from Bethesda, saying, “This is the thing: they randomly dropped it, that they were going to bring it out on the 25th of April. So that has, for lack of a better term, sort of screwed us over, somewhat.”

The update from Bethesda includes stability improvements, up to 60fps support, and quest updates. While these changes are welcome for players, they have created unforeseen challenges for the Fallout London team. Carter emphasized the need for communication between developers, saying, “We need to talk to people so that we can know these things.”

As a result of the delay, Fallout London does not currently have a new release date. The team is working to accommodate the changes brought about by Bethesda’s update. Carter stated, “We’re doing this for the fans at the end of the day. The same fans, and this has just caused us to delay which hurts a lot of our team and our hard work for the past four years, and it’s let down a lot of fans.”

The Fallout London team has received support from the gaming community, with many fans expressing their disappointment at Bethesda’s lack of communication. Despite the setback, the team remains committed to delivering a high-quality mod for Fallout 4.

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