The cancellation of the beloved comedy-drama ‘So Help Me Todd’ after only two seasons has sent shockwaves through its dedicated fan base. The show, which centered around the lively bond between free-spirited private investigator Todd Wright (Skylar Astin) and his rule-abiding attorney mother, Margaret Wright (Oscar-winner Marcia Gay Harden), had earned a loyal following for its unique blend of humor, heartwarming family dynamics, and positive messaging.
Undeterred by the news of the show’s demise, fans have rallied together to launch a campaign to save ‘So Help Me Todd.’ A petition on the website, titled ‘Save So Help Me Todd on CBS,’ has garnered thousands of signatures, with fans passionately expressing their love for the show and its ability to connect with audiences of all ages.
In the petition, fans highlight the show’s diverse cast of characters, its sensitive depictions of family relationships, and its refreshing avoidance of negative storylines and explicit content. They argue that ‘So Help Me Todd’ provides a much-needed respite from the anxiety-filled entertainment landscape and offers a positive message of change and growth.
The campaign has gained momentum on social media, with fans using the hashtag #SaveSoHelpMeTodd to share their support and urge CBS to reconsider its decision. Creator Scott Prendergast has expressed his gratitude to the fans for their unwavering dedication, acknowledging the impact of the show and the collaborative effort that went into its creation.
Whether or not the campaign will succeed in convincing CBS to reverse its decision remains to be seen. However, the outpouring of support from fans is a testament to the enduring power of ‘So Help Me Todd’ and its ability to resonate with audiences on a deep level.