Fashion Designers Reveal Their All-Time Favorite Runway Shows

Fashion shows are more than just displays of clothing; they’re theatrical spectacles that capture the imagination and leave a lasting impact. At Vogue, the conversation often turns to shows that stay with us long after the lights fade – the ones that stand out for their innovative designs, stunning staging, captivating performances, or a perfect blend of all three. We thought it would be fascinating to ask fashion designers themselves, the creators of these ephemeral masterpieces, about their favorite runway moments. After all, who better to judge the artistry and impact of a show than those who have dedicated their careers to pushing the boundaries of fashion?

We posed two simple questions: “What is the most memorable runway show you’ve ever been involved with?” and “What is your all-time favorite show by another designer?” The answers were as diverse and inspiring as the designers themselves, offering a glimpse into the heart of fashion and the moments that have shaped their creative paths.

Some responses highlighted the thrill of a debut collection, like the designer who described the overwhelming feeling of seeing their vision come to life exactly as they imagined it. Others reminisced about shows that blended fashion with performance, like the one that transformed a monastery into an Indiana Jones-style adventure, inviting guests to discover hidden treasures and illuminating the runway with their own flashlights.

The designers also shared their admiration for the work of their peers, citing shows that were groundbreaking in their time, like the one featuring identical twins, one dressed in a “normal” look and the other in a distorted, melted version, prompting reflection on the effects of dysmorphia. They also celebrated shows that felt like a celebration of beauty and artistry, a reminder of a time when fashion was about more than just product and engagement.

Whether it was a debut collection, a groundbreaking collaboration, or a show that pushed the boundaries of fashion, the designers’ responses revealed a shared passion for the power of fashion to evoke emotion, inspire creativity, and challenge conventional thinking. Each show they highlighted stands as a testament to the artistry, innovation, and enduring power of the runway.

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