Fauci’s Security Winding Down Amidst Criticism Over Pandemic Response

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s security detail, which has been in place for several years due to numerous death threats, is being scaled back. This news comes after a period of intense scrutiny from Republicans, who have criticized Fauci’s continued security protection, especially as he recently faced questioning from lawmakers about his role in pandemic-era restrictions.

During a House Oversight Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic hearing, Rep. Michael Cloud, R-Texas, pressed Fauci on the justification for various lockdown measures, including business closures, church closures, school closures, and stay-at-home orders. Fauci maintained that these measures were necessary to curb the initial wave of deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic, although he acknowledged that the duration of these measures could be debated.

Cloud also questioned Fauci about the scientific basis for mask mandates for children under the age of 5, highlighting the lack of studies specifically on masks for that age group. Fauci responded that studies were not possible due to the urgency of the situation, and the need to address the high number of daily deaths.

The Republican-led subcommittee has been conducting a year-long investigation into the nation’s response to the pandemic, specifically examining the potential role of U.S.-funded research in China in the virus’s origin. While Democrats have maintained that the investigation has not found any evidence of wrongdoing by Fauci, Republicans have focused on highlighting the potential impact of his decisions and the need to prepare for future outbreaks.

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