Filipino and Chinese Coast Guard Clash in South China Sea: Violence and Accusations Fly

A violent confrontation erupted between Filipino sailors and the Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) in the South China Sea on June 17, escalating tensions in the disputed region. The clash occurred when Philippine forces attempted to resupply marines stationed on a derelict warship at the BRP Sierra Madre (LS57) at Ayungin Shoal.

The Philippine military released footage showing small boats crewed by Chinese sailors shouting, brandishing an axe, waving knives, and using sticks to hit an inflatable boat. The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) accused the CCG of “brazen aggression,” stating they obstructed the resupply operation using physical attacks, bladed weapons, blaring sirens, and blinding strobe lights. Despite facing overwhelming numbers and harassment, Filipino troops defended their position valiantly.

General Romeo Brawner, Chief of Staff of the AFP, took to Facebook to denounce the Chinese actions, calling them “pirates.” He highlighted the bravery of the Filipino sailors, who fought back with bare hands against the Chinese Coast Guard, who were armed with bladed weapons.

According to AFP reports, a Filipino sailor lost a thumb in the clash. The Chinese Coast Guard also confiscated or destroyed Philippine equipment, including guns.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lin Jian dismissed the Philippine accusations as “totally bogus” and blamed Manila for escalating tensions by ramming Chinese boats. This conflicting narrative further intensifies the dispute over the South China Sea, which has been a source of friction between China and its neighbors for years.

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