Five Chinese Zodiac Signs Set for a Lucky Week: Ox, Snake, Horse, Rabbit, and Goat

In the world of Chinese astrology, each year is associated with one of 12 zodiac animals – the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. But the significance goes even deeper, as each animal is also linked to one of five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. This creates a 60-year cycle, with the current phase being the Year of the Wood Dragon, which spans from February 10, 2024, to January 28, 2025.

While some zodiac signs might have enjoyed a particularly lucky year thus far, five animals are poised to experience a surge of good fortune this week. Valeria Black, a Tarot reader, astrologer, and medium, revealed her insights with YourTango, predicting that from September 9th to 15th, 2024, Ox, Snake, Horse, Rabbit, and Goat will be the luckiest, especially if they embrace calculated risks and step outside their comfort zones.


Oxen are known for their unwavering determination and strength. This week, their luck will manifest as opportunities to overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams. However, Valeria emphasizes that this luck needs to be “met halfway.” Oxen must actively pursue their goals and not shy away from challenges. It’s also a good time to reassess friendships, as true friends will be invaluable on their journey. This week, green and blue are considered lucky colors for the Ox.


Snakes are known for their wisdom and intuition. This week, they should pay close attention to signs and synchronicities, as they hold the key to embracing luck. Valeria suggests adopting a daily meditation practice to enhance mindfulness and seize opportunities when they arise. The color red is especially lucky for Snakes this week, and they might even find themselves drawn to a new romantic connection.


Horses are known for their playful spirit and energy. This week, their luck will be playful and mischievous, making it easier to attract good fortune with a lighthearted approach. Whether it’s through social interactions, romantic connections, or even casual encounters, this luck will bring opportunities, conversations, adventures, and perhaps even new ideas. Valeria suggests incorporating yellow, blue, or green into their attire and carrying charms with personal meaning.


Rabbits are known for their creativity and resourcefulness. This week, they should embrace their creative spirit, whether it’s through art, crafts, engineering, science, coding, or gardening. The key to maximizing luck is to fully engage with their ideas and pursue them with enthusiasm.


Goats are known for their kindness and empathy. This week, their luck is closely tied to their siblings. The exact nature of this blessing is shrouded in mystery, but it will come as a pleasant surprise or thrill. Goats should keep an open mind, as this fortunate energy is playful and unpredictable. Valeria advises dressing well, as this luck might come unexpectedly. Blue is the lucky color for Goats this week.

These lucky predictions offer a reminder that while astrology can provide guidance, ultimately, it’s up to each individual to seize the opportunities that come their way. By embracing a positive mindset, actively pursuing goals, and staying open to possibilities, these five Chinese zodiac signs can make the most of their fortunate week.

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