Five Plants to Keep Flies Away from Your Home

Flies are a common household pest that can be a nuisance and carry diseases. While there are many chemical sprays and sticky traps available to kill flies, there are also a number of natural alternatives that can be just as effective. One of the best ways to keep flies away from your home is to use plants. Flies are repelled by strong aromatic smells, so plants with these types of scents are ideal. Some of the best plants for repelling flies include:



Lavender is an excellent fly repellent. It can be placed in the home or close to the home, including by the back door or on windowsills.


Eucalyptus is another great option for repelling flies. Its fragrant scent can deter flies, mosquitoes, and other pests.


Marigolds are a potent insect-repellent with their strong scent. They are also a popular flower for many people with their vibrant colors.


Basil is a popular herb that can be used to repel flies. It can be grown in a pot on the kitchen windowsill or added to dishes as a seasoning.


Mint is another popular herb that can be used to repel flies. It can be grown in a pot on the kitchen windowsill or added to dishes as a seasoning.

In addition to using plants, there are other things you can do to keep flies away from your home. These include:

* Keep your home clean and free of food waste.
* Dispose of food waste properly in a covered bin.
* Clean out drains regularly to remove any food particles or other debris that could attract flies.
* Keep your screens in good repair to prevent flies from entering your home.
* Use a fly swatter or trap to catch any flies that do get into your home.

By following these tips, you can keep flies away from your home and enjoy a pest-free environment.

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