Five-Year-Old Boy Brutally Beaten to Death by Fellow Students at Delhi Madrasa

A tragic incident of child abuse has shaken Delhi after a five-year-old boy was brutally beaten to death at a madrasa in Dayalpur. The horrifying details emerged after police apprehended three suspects, all students aged between 9 and 11, who are believed to have been responsible for the boy’s death.

The incident came to light on Friday evening when the boy’s mother was informed that he was unwell. She rushed him to a private hospital in Brijpuri, where doctors declared him dead. Police were alerted about the death, and an autopsy revealed the extent of the abuse. The victim had suffered multiple internal lacerations, bleeding in his abdomen and right lung, and a ruptured liver.

Initial investigations indicated the boy had died under mysterious circumstances, but further inquiries revealed a disturbing motive behind the assault. According to police, the suspects, fellow students at the madrasa, had beaten the boy to death in the hope that his death would lead to a holiday from the school.

One of the accused confessed to the police that they had beaten the boy after he allegedly abused them, resulting in a fight. Another suspect stated that they believed their actions would force the madrasa to declare a holiday.

The madrasa, where around 250 boys study, has been a place of education for the five-year-old victim for the past five months. His family, including his parents, a 10-year-old brother, and an eight-year-old sister, are struggling to come to terms with the loss. The victim’s mother works as a domestic help, while his father lives in Uttar Pradesh and visits Delhi once a month.

The incident has sparked public outrage and raised serious concerns about the safety of children at educational institutions. Police are investigating the incident thoroughly, examining CCTV footage and probing the role of others involved in the madrasa. The case highlights the need for stringent measures to protect children from abuse and ensure safe learning environments.

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