Flash Floods Ravage Afghanistan, Leaving Hundreds Dead and Missing

In northern Afghanistan, flash floods triggered by unusually intense seasonal rainfall have caused widespread devastation, leaving hundreds of people dead and missing. Over 300 individuals have perished, with 51 of the victims being children, according to UNICEF. The province of Baghlan has suffered the most significant impact, with thousands of homes destroyed, leaving many homeless. International aid agencies, including UNICEF and the World Health Organization, are rushing essential supplies and medical assistance to the affected areas. The United Nations has emphasized the need for immediate action to address the crisis, while also highlighting the importance of long-term planning to mitigate the impact of future climate-related emergencies in the country. As rescue operations continue, the death toll is expected to rise, and the full extent of the damage remains to be assessed. The floods have also caused widespread infrastructure damage, with roads and bridges washed away, isolating communities and hindering relief efforts. The Afghan government and international organizations are working together to provide assistance to those affected by the disaster and to prevent further loss of life.

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