Flooding in Yemen Kills Over 60 Amid Ongoing War and Climate Change

The war-torn nation of Yemen has been struck by another devastating blow: flooding caused by torrential rainfall. Since July, the floods have claimed the lives of at least 60 people, with 13 others still missing. The United Nations estimates that over 268,000 individuals have been affected by the disaster.

Yemen, already grappling with a protracted war that has left millions in dire straits, experiences severe flooding on a near-annual basis. These floods are triggered by torrential rainfall, a phenomenon exacerbated by climate change. The frequency and intensity of precipitation have increased in recent years, making Yemen increasingly vulnerable to flooding.

The UN humanitarian agency, OCHA, reported that flash floods have caused 36 deaths in Hodeida province, 9 in Ibb, 8 in Marib, and 7 in Taiz. The agency further highlighted the impact on vital infrastructure, including schools, roads, and health facilities, stating that “Livelihoods that were already hanging by a thread have been swept away.”

The severity of the flooding is underscored by the fact that at least 600 people were injured in Hodeida and Marib alone, while 13 people remain missing in Hodeida and Taiz. OCHA predicts that “severe weather is expected to persist into September, with additional alerts for heavy rainfall.”

Experts at the University of Notre Dame’s Global Adaptation Initiative classify Yemen as one of the region’s most vulnerable countries to climate change. A 2023 report by the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Norwegian Red Cross corroborates this, linking the increase in rainfall intensity and frequency to changes in atmospheric circulation in the Indian Ocean.

The devastating floods are just the latest challenge facing Yemen, which has been embroiled in a war since 2014. The conflict began when Iran-backed Houthi rebels captured the capital, Sanaa, forcing the internationally recognized government to flee to the southern city of Aden. In response, Saudi Arabia formed a multinational coalition to support the deposed government, launching a bombing campaign and imposing a blockade that has caused widespread civilian casualties.

This complex conflict has created one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. The delivery of aid is hampered by insecurity and logistical difficulties. The UN has issued an urgent appeal for $4.9 million to scale up the emergency response to Yemen’s extreme weather conditions, emphasizing the dire need for immediate assistance to alleviate the suffering of the affected population.

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