Florida Carpenter Ants Perform Life-Saving Amputations, Rivaling Human Medical Systems

A groundbreaking discovery reveals that Florida carpenter ants (Camponotus floridanus) are capable of performing life-saving surgery on their nestmates, rivaling the complexity of human medical systems. They are the only known animal besides humans to engage in this sophisticated practice. Researchers, publishing their findings in the journal *Nature*, found that these ants can identify limb wounds and administer targeted treatment – either cleaning or amputation.

This discovery was inspired by previous research on an African ant species that utilizes antimicrobial substances to treat infected wounds. However, Florida carpenter ants lack such glands, leading scientists to investigate their wound-healing strategies. The research team focused on two types of leg wounds: lacerations on the femur (thigh) and tibia. Through observation, they discovered that femur injuries were treated with a two-step process: initial cleaning followed by amputation through repeated biting. Tibia wounds, on the other hand, were treated solely with cleaning.

These surgical interventions had a significant impact on the survival rates of injured ants. Femur injuries treated with amputation showed a dramatic increase in survival, from less than 40% to between 90 and 95%. Tibia wounds treated with cleaning also saw improved survival rates, from 15% to 75%.

The researchers posit that the difference in treatment approaches stems from speed limitations. Amputation requires a considerable time commitment, at least 40 minutes. They hypothesize that damage to blood-pumping muscles in the femur slows blood circulation, allowing time for amputation to prevent infection. Tibia injuries, with less muscle tissue, allow for faster infection spread, making amputation impractical.

The ants’ ability to diagnose wound severity and administer appropriate treatment is innate, suggesting that they possess a sophisticated understanding of their anatomy and the threat of infection. This discovery challenges previous assumptions about the cognitive capabilities of insects and opens new avenues for understanding the evolution of complex medical systems in the animal kingdom. The research team is now investigating other ant species to determine the prevalence of this remarkable surgical behavior.

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