Food Poisoning Outbreak in Moscow Hospitalizes Over 120, Suspect Linked to Online Delivery Service

A suspected outbreak of botulism, a rare and extremely dangerous food poisoning, has left over 120 people seeking medical help in Moscow, with at least 30 in intensive care. Health officials announced the situation on Monday, attributing the illness to suspected food-borne botulism, a life-threatening condition that affects the nervous system and can lead to respiratory failure and paralysis. The patients were admitted to hospitals after consuming contaminated food.

Russian authorities have identified the source of the toxic outbreak as salads distributed by a popular online delivery service, Kuchnia Na Rayone (“local kitchen”), which has temporarily suspended its operations while a criminal investigation unfolds. On Sunday, the company acknowledged a “potential risk incident” involving a salad containing tinned beans and halted all orders.

Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Anastasia Rakova, confirmed the hospitalizations, stating that “in total 121 people sought medical help” and “at the moment 55 people are in a serious condition, 30 of them in intensive care.” She also reassured the public that there was “no threat to the lives” of those hospitalized due to prompt medical intervention.

The city’s consumer and health watchdog, Rospotrebnadzor, initiated an “epidemiological investigation into suspected cases of botulism” on Saturday, while the Moscow prosecutor’s office launched a criminal investigation into a possible violation of consumer safety standards.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), food-borne botulism can be fatal without immediate treatment with antitoxins. Botulism is an incredibly rare condition, usually caused by improperly processed food, commonly associated with canned and preserved goods. It is important to note that botulism is not contagious and does not spread between individuals.

While the outbreak is under investigation, the focus remains on ensuring the safety of the public and providing timely medical care to those affected. The authorities are diligently working to identify the specific cause of the outbreak and prevent further cases.

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